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<h1>Akamai Viewer Library</h1>
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<h4 class="docs-nav-title">Overview</h4>
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<li><a href="intro.html">Getting Started Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="async.html">Async Viewer (Beta/preview)</a></li>
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<li><a href="api/Akamai.Spin360.html">Spin 360</a></li>
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<h1 id="spin360">Spin360</h1>
<p>The spin360 component consists of a series of images that iterate on drag or with arrow keys to produce a 360 degree view of a subject.</p>
<h2 id="basic-example">Basic example</h2>
<p>This is a fairly typical 360 viewer with default options. Autoplay is enabled and there are no controls. Drag with your finger or mouse to spin the ring.</p>
<div data-xrayhtml="flip" data-xrayhtml-noinit class="prism">
<div data-akamai-viewer id="ex-360-ring" class="demo-viewer-portrait"></div>
var element = $( "#ex-360-ring" )[0];
// use the data to render the components into the empty element
var viewer = new Akamai.Viewer(element, {
spin360: {
autoplay: { enabled: true }
items: {
uri: "json/ex-360-ring.json"
<h2 id="reverse-image-order">Reverse image order</h2>
<p>If the images seem to spin in the opposite direction than the drag order, use the <code>reverse: true</code> option to flip the sequence. In this car example, the 360 needs this option set. Autoplay is disabled and there are no controls.</p>
<div data-xrayhtml="flip" data-xrayhtml-noinit class="prism">
<div data-akamai-viewer id="ex-360-bmw"></div>
var element = $( "#ex-360-bmw" )[0];
// use the data to render the components into the empty element
var viewer = new Akamai.Viewer(element, {
spin360: {
reverse: true
items: {
uri: "json/ex-360-bmw.json"
<h2 id="longer-play-time-simple-controls">Longer play time, simple controls</h2>
<p>This example has an added animation at the end so it&#39;s less of a pure 360 rotation and more of an animation you can scrub through. A custom <code>interval</code> is used because this is a long animation.</p>
<div data-xrayhtml="flip" data-xrayhtml-noinit class="prism">
<div data-akamai-viewer id="ex-360-bike" class="demo-viewer-portrait"></div>
var element = $( "#ex-360-bike" )[0];
// use the data to render the components into the empty element
var viewer = new Akamai.Viewer(element, {
spin360: {
interval: 5000,
controls: {
play: true
items: {
uri: "json/ex-360-bike.json"
<h2 id="controls-left-right-play-pause">Controls: Left, Right, Play/Pause</h2>
<p>This example turns on the manual controls to rotate left/right and play/pause but doesn&#39;t autoplay. It also adds a longer interval to give the animation longer to run.</p>
<div data-xrayhtml="flip" data-xrayhtml-noinit class="prism">
<div data-akamai-viewer id="ex-360-controls" class="demo-viewer-portrait"></div>
var element = $( "#ex-360-controls" )[0];
// use the data to render the components into the empty element
var viewer = new Akamai.Viewer(element, {
spin360: {
interval: 4400,
controls: {
arrows: true,
play: true
items: {
uri: "json/ex-360-chair.json"
<h2 id="controls-with-custom-control-labels">Controls with custom control labels</h2>
<p>A typical 360 view for a shoe without autoplay with 5 second autoplay delay, controls with custom labels, and faster interval.</p>
<div data-xrayhtml="flip" data-xrayhtml-noinit class="prism">
<div data-akamai-viewer id="ex-360-shoe" class="demo-viewer-portrait"></div>
var element = $( "#ex-360-shoe" )[0];
// use the data to render the components into the empty element
var viewer = new Akamai.Viewer(element, {
spin360: {
autoplay: {
delay: 5000
interval: 1200,
controls: {
arrows: true,
play: true,
text: {
left: "Rotate shoe left",
right: "Rotate show right",
play: "Spin that shoe!"
items: {
uri: "json/shoes-2.json"
<h2 id="image-configuration">Image Configuration</h2>
<p>The Spin360 images sources can be configured with a policy and widths.</p>
<div data-xrayhtml="flip" data-xrayhtml-noinit class="prism">
<div data-akamai-viewer id="ex-360-policy" class="demo-viewer-portrait"></div>
var element = $( "#ex-360-policy" )[0];
// use the data to render the components into the empty element
var viewer = new Akamai.Viewer(element, {
spin360: {
images: {
policy: "img-polcy-xyz",
widths: ["300","600","900","1200","1500","1800"]
controls: {
arrows: true,
play: true
items: {
uri: "json/ex-360-chair.json"
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<p>Copyright 2017 Akamai Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</p>