This commit is contained in:
sakim 2024-03-28 05:43:56 +00:00
parent 68913cedd8
commit 97b7a2ba47
5 changed files with 482 additions and 290 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@

build/Dockerfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
FROM python:3.10-alpine
apk update
apk add --update curl
RUN pip3 install flask randomname requests
# COPY /python /home/python
WORKDIR /home/python
# RUN python3 -m venv /home/python/venv
# RUN source /home/python/venv/bin/activate && pip3 install flask edgegrid-python randomname names
ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
CMD [""]
# CMD ["/bin/sh"]
# CMD ["/home/python/venv/bin/python" ""]

build/python/app Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
from flask import Flask, request, make_response, abort, jsonify, render_template, send_file
from akamai.edgegrid import EdgeGridAuth
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
import time
import subprocess
import logging
import re
import json
import akamai_functions, docebo_functions, coder_functions
from threading import Thread
import randomname
from io import StringIO
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
# How can we update coder admin_token??? What is the maximum expiration days?
# coder server --max-token-lifetime. Default 2540400 hours = 290 days
# The maximum lifetime duration users can specify when creating an API token.
# coder tokens create --lifetime. Default 720 hours = 30 days
# Specify a duration for the lifetime of the token.
# Create token API key - curl -X POST http://coder-server:8080/api/v2/users/{user}/keys/tokens
# {
# "lifetime": 0,
# "scope": "all",
# "token_name": "string"
# }
admin_token = 'gNmzL1TLeN-gXfs7q10uWPINqtlpt02Pj'
template_id = 'a5577a86-e700-41be-997b-6001d78061d4'
user_email = ''
user_pwd = 'Qodnwk=$s8'
token_header = {'Coder-Session-Token': admin_token,
'Accept': 'application/json'}
token_param = {'email': user_email, 'password': user_pwd}
# unused hours of workspace
unused_hours = 2
# workspace ttl ms
ttl = 86400000 # 24 hours
# Control Center API functions start #
def cc_download():
firstName = randomname.get_name()
lastName = randomname.get_name()
app.logger.debug('firstName= %s, lastName= %s', firstName, lastName)
app.logger.debug('get_users starts')
users = akamai_functions.get_all_users()
app.logger.debug('get_users ends')
app.logger.debug('select_user starts')
user = akamai_functions.select_user(users, unused_hours, firstName, lastName)
uiIdentityId = user['uiIdentityId']
app.logger.debug('select_user ends. uiIdentityId= %s', uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd starts')
pwd = akamai_functions.reset_user_pwd(uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd ends')
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'authorizedUser= {authorizedUser}')
credential = akamai_functions.find_credential(authorizedUser, '/home/akamai/dev/learnakamai/json/api_clients.json')
if credential is not None:
new_credential = akamai_functions.create_credential(credential)
if new_credential is not None:
credential = new_credential
abort(500, description="cannot create new credential")
abort(500, description="cannot find credential")
email = user['email']
if email != None and pwd != None:
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'credential= {credential}')
result = '[Control Center]\nLogin URL =\n' + 'email = '+ email + '\npassword = '+ pwd + '\n\n'
result = result + '[API Credential]\nclient_secret = ' + credential["client_secret"] + '\nhost = '+ credential["host"] + '\naccess_token = ' + credential["access_token"] + '\nclient_token = ' + credential["client_token"]
app.logger.debug(f'result = '+result)
buffer = StringIO()
response = make_response(buffer.getvalue())
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=credential.txt'
response.mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
# return send_file(buffer, as_attachment=True, download_name="credential.txt", mimetype="html/text")
# response = make_response('<ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Akamai Control Center</a></li><li>email:' +
# email+'</li><li>password:'+pwd+'</li></ul><b>-- API credential --</b><br/>client_secret = '+ credential["client_secret"] + '<br/>host = '+ credential["host"] + '<br/>access_token = ' + credential["access_token"] + '</br>client_token = ' + credential["client_token"])
return response
abort(500, description="cannot find an available user")
return user
# this function is the target url of iframe widget
def credential():
return render_template('playground.html')
# this function is called by playground.html javascript
def a():
docebo_user_id = request.args.get('user_id')
docebo_access_token = request.args.get('access_token')
app.logger.debug('get_users starts')
users = akamai_functions.get_all_users()
app.logger.debug('get_users ends')
app.logger.debug('docebo_get_users stars')
if docebo_user_id != None and docebo_access_token != None:
docebo_user = docebo_functions.docebo_get_user(docebo_user_id, docebo_access_token)
if docebo_user == None:
return 'cannot get Learn Akamai userdata of '+ docebo_user_id
return 'docebo userdata is required'
firstName = docebo_user['first_name']
lastName = docebo_user['last_name']
app.logger.debug('docebo_get_users ends. firstName= %s, lastName= %s', firstName, lastName)
app.logger.debug('select_user starts')
user = akamai_functions.select_user(users, unused_hours, firstName, lastName)
uiIdentityId = user['uiIdentityId']
app.logger.debug('select_user ends. uiIdentityId= %s', uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd starts')
pwd = akamai_functions.reset_user_pwd(uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd ends')
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'authorizedUser= {authorizedUser}')
credential = akamai_functions.find_credential(authorizedUser, '/home/akamai/dev/learnakamai/json/api_clients.json')
if credential is not None:
new_credential = akamai_functions.create_credential(credential)
if new_credential is not None:
credential = new_credential
abort(500, description="cannot create new credential")
abort(500, description="cannot find credential")
email = user['email']
if email != None and pwd != None:
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'credential= {credential}')
response = make_response('<ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Akamai Control Center</a></li><li>email:' +
email+'</li><li>password:'+pwd+'</li></ul><b>-- API credential --</b><br/>client_secret = '+ credential["client_secret"] + '<br/>host = '+ credential["host"] + '<br/>access_token = ' + credential["access_token"] + '</br>client_token = ' + credential["client_token"])
return response
abort(500, description="cannot find an available user")
return user
# this function deletes properties in groups that have not been used for unused_hours-1 #
# this function will be updated to run repeatedly #
def purge_groups():
groups = akamai_functions.get_groups(unused_hours-1)
app.logger.debug('groups= '+str(groups))
messages = []
msg = None
for group in groups:
groupId = group['groupId']
groupName = group['groupName']
properties = akamai_functions.get_properties_by_group(groupId)
# if there is any existing properties in group
if properties['properties']['items']:
msg = 'found properties in group '+groupName
if akamai_functions.delete_properties(properties):
msg = 'deleted existing properties in group '+groupName
abort(500, description="cannot delete properties in group "+groupName)
msg = 'cannot find any property in group '+groupName
if bool(messages):
return messages
abort(500, description="cannot purge groups")
# test creating users
def c():
num = int(request.args.get('num'))
if num == None: num = 1
app.logger.debug('we will create %s user(s)', num)
new_users = akamai_functions.create_users(num)
if new_users != None:
return new_users
return 'cannot create users'
# Check list roles to assign users to right roles
def d():
result = akamai_functions.list_roles()
return result
# Control Center API functions end #
# coder API functions start #
# this function is the target URL of iframe widget
@app.route('/flask/lab', methods=['GET'])
def lab():
# return render_template('image_render.html', image=file)
return render_template('workspace.html')
#@app.route('/flask/lab', methods=['GET'])
#def lab():
# user_id = request.args.get('user_id')
# access_token = request.args.get('access_token')
# html_body = '<a href="/flask/init?user_id=' + user_id + \
# '&access_token=' + access_token + '">Click To Launch Lab</a>'
# response = make_response(html_body)
# return response
# this function is called by workspace.html javascript
@app.route('/flask/init', methods=['GET'])
def init_workspace():
workspaces = coder_functions.list_workspaces('a')
workspace = coder_functions.search_workspaces(workspaces, unused_hours)
workspace_name = workspace['name']
workspace_status = workspace['latest_build']['status']
code_url = 'https://code--main--' + workspace_name + \
origin_url = 'https://origin--main--' + workspace_name + ''
app.logger.debug('code_url= '+code_url)
app.logger.debug('origin_url= '+origin_url)
# 1st validation.
# if the selected_workspace is not running, we start it.
if workspace_status != 'running':
if coder_functions.start_workspace(workspace_name):
app.logger.debug('started workspace %s', workspace_name)
abort(500, description="cannot start workspace " + workspace_name)
# 2nd validation.
# if the selected_workspace agent is not connected, we wait for it to become connected status
# if we started the selected_workspace above, this takes around 30-40 seconds
if coder_functions.is_agent_connected(workspace_name):
# if validations are successful, we create a session token for end-user to connect to code server and origin server.
# session_token = create_token(workspace_name)
# if session_token != '':
# 3rd validation.
# two apps in the workspace should be ready
if coder_functions.is_app_ready(code_url) and coder_functions.is_app_ready(origin_url): + ': code and origin are ready')
response = make_response('<ul><li>Developer Tools: <a href="'+code_url+'" target="_blank">' + code_url +
'</a></li><li>Test Origin: <a href="'+origin_url+'" target="_blank">'+origin_url+'</a></li></ul>')
# response.set_cookie("coder_session_token", session_token, domain='')
return response
# abort(500, description="cannot create session_token for " + workspace_name)
abort(500, description="cannot connect to the workspace " + workspace_name)
# delete workspaces by status. we can use this to delete all 'failed' workspaces, for example.
# pending, starting, running, stopping, failed, canceling, canceled, deleting, deleted
@app.route('/flask/delete_workspaces_by_status', methods=['GET'])
def delete_workspaces_by_status():
target_status = request.args.get('status')
workspaces = coder_functions.find_by_status(target_status)
if coder_functions.delete_workspaces(workspaces):
return 'deleted all '+target_status+' workspaces'
return 'failed to delete all '+target_status+' workspaces'
# update old workspaces
@app.route('/flask/update_old_workspaces', methods=['GET'])
def update_all():
workspace_age = request.args.get('age')
names = coder_functions.update_old_workspaces(workspace_age)
return names
@app.route('/flask/update_workspace', methods=['GET'])
def test():
workspaces = coder_functions.list_workspaces('a')
workspace = coder_functions.search_workspaces(workspaces, unused_hours)
app.logger.debug('[Before] workspace_name= %s', workspace['name'])
workspace = coder_functions.update_workspace(workspace)
app.logger.debug('[After] workspace_name= %s', workspace['name'])
workspace_name = workspace['name']
workspace_status = workspace['latest_build']['status']
app.logger.debug('workspace_status= %s', workspace_status)
code_url = 'https://code--main--' + workspace_name + \
origin_url = 'https://origin--main--' + workspace_name + ''
app.logger.debug('code_url= '+code_url)
app.logger.debug('origin_url= '+origin_url)
return workspace_name
@app.route('/flask/upgrade_workspaces', methods=['GET'])
def upgrade_workspaces():
return 'under construction'
def internal_error(e):
return jsonify(error=str(e)), 500

View File

@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
from flask import Flask, request, make_response, abort, jsonify, render_template, send_file
from akamai.edgegrid import EdgeGridAuth
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
import time
import subprocess
import logging
import re
import json
import akamai_functions, docebo_functions, coder_functions
from threading import Thread
import randomname
from io import StringIO
import os
from flask import Flask, make_response, abort, jsonify, render_template
from datetime import datetime
import logging, randomname, requests, time
app = Flask(__name__)
@ -29,11 +17,14 @@ app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
# "token_name": "string"
# }
admin_token = 'gNmzL1TLeN-gXfs7q10uWPINqtlpt02Pj'
template_id = 'a5577a86-e700-41be-997b-6001d78061d4'
admin_token = 'mS7rgguZeb-VTyP8Yc3RPWQ1uy2thqsOi'
template_id = '80c50f63-0d2c-4a2c-a99f-45b36a9c038a'
organization_id = '9284e3c7-e20c-4736-929e-4f1508920811'
user = 'akamai'
user_email = ''
user_pwd = 'Qodnwk=$s8'
token_header = {'Coder-Session-Token': admin_token,
'Accept': 'application/json'}
token_param = {'email': user_email, 'password': user_pwd}
@ -44,294 +35,124 @@ unused_hours = 2
# workspace ttl ms
ttl = 86400000 # 24 hours
# Control Center API functions start #
def hello():
return 'hello'
def cc_download():
firstName = randomname.get_name()
lastName = randomname.get_name()
app.logger.debug('firstName= %s, lastName= %s', firstName, lastName)
def create():
start =
is_agent_ready = False
is_code_ready = False
body = create_workspace()
if body is None:
abort(500, description="cannot create new workspace")
app.logger.debug('get_users starts')
users = akamai_functions.get_all_users()
app.logger.debug('get_users ends')
workspace_name = get_workspace_name(body)
app.logger.debug('select_user starts')
user = akamai_functions.select_user(users, unused_hours, firstName, lastName)
uiIdentityId = user['uiIdentityId']
app.logger.debug('select_user ends. uiIdentityId= %s', uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd starts')
pwd = akamai_functions.reset_user_pwd(uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd ends')
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'authorizedUser= {authorizedUser}')
credential = akamai_functions.find_credential(authorizedUser, '/home/akamai/dev/learnakamai/json/api_clients.json')
if credential is not None:
new_credential = akamai_functions.create_credential(credential)
if new_credential is not None:
credential = new_credential
abort(500, description="cannot create new credential")
# is_agent_ready = is_agent_connected(workspace_name)
is_code_ready = is_code_live(workspace_name)
if is_code_ready == True:
end =
elapsed = end - start
app.logger.debug('elapsed= '+str(elapsed))
return workspace_name + " is ready!"
abort(500, description="cannot find credential")
abort(500, description="cannot start new workspace")
email = user['email']
if email != None and pwd != None:
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'credential= {credential}')
result = '[Control Center]\nLogin URL =\n' + 'email = '+ email + '\npassword = '+ pwd + '\n\n'
result = result + '[API Credential]\nclient_secret = ' + credential["client_secret"] + '\nhost = '+ credential["host"] + '\naccess_token = ' + credential["access_token"] + '\nclient_token = ' + credential["client_token"]
app.logger.debug(f'result = '+result)
# this function creates a new workspace name based on current time
def create_workspace_name():
# past = timedelta(hours=-unused_hours)
# new_name = + past
new_name = str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))
name = randomname.get_name()
new_name = new_name + name
app.logger.debug('new_name= '+new_name)
return new_name
# create a workspace
def create_workspace():
url = 'http://coder:7080/api/v2/organizations/'+organization_id+'/members/'+user+'/workspaces'
workspace_name = create_workspace_name()
param = {"name": workspace_name,
"template_id": template_id, "ttl_ms": ttl}
buffer = StringIO()
response = make_response(buffer.getvalue())
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=credential.txt'
response.mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
# return send_file(buffer, as_attachment=True, download_name="credential.txt", mimetype="html/text")
# response = make_response('<ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Akamai Control Center</a></li><li>email:' +
# email+'</li><li>password:'+pwd+'</li></ul><b>-- API credential --</b><br/>client_secret = '+ credential["client_secret"] + '<br/>host = '+ credential["host"] + '<br/>access_token = ' + credential["access_token"] + '</br>client_token = ' + credential["client_token"])
return response
response =, json=param, headers=token_header)
s_code = response.status_code +
": create_workspace status: " + str(s_code))
body = response.json()
app.logger.debug(workspace_name + ': create_workspace body: ' + str(body))
if s_code == 201: +" is created")
abort(500, description="cannot find an available user")
return user +" cannot create a new workspace")
body = None
return body
# this function is the target url of iframe widget
def credential():
return render_template('playground.html')
def get_workspace_id(body: dict):
workspace_id = body['id']
app.logger.debug("workspace_id is "+workspace_id)
return workspace_id
# this function is called by playground.html javascript
def a():
docebo_user_id = request.args.get('user_id')
docebo_access_token = request.args.get('access_token')
app.logger.debug('get_users starts')
users = akamai_functions.get_all_users()
app.logger.debug('get_users ends')
app.logger.debug('docebo_get_users stars')
if docebo_user_id != None and docebo_access_token != None:
docebo_user = docebo_functions.docebo_get_user(docebo_user_id, docebo_access_token)
if docebo_user == None:
return 'cannot get Learn Akamai userdata of '+ docebo_user_id
return 'docebo userdata is required'
firstName = docebo_user['first_name']
lastName = docebo_user['last_name']
app.logger.debug('docebo_get_users ends. firstName= %s, lastName= %s', firstName, lastName)
app.logger.debug('select_user starts')
user = akamai_functions.select_user(users, unused_hours, firstName, lastName)
uiIdentityId = user['uiIdentityId']
app.logger.debug('select_user ends. uiIdentityId= %s', uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd starts')
pwd = akamai_functions.reset_user_pwd(uiIdentityId)
app.logger.debug('reset_user_pwd ends')
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'authorizedUser= {authorizedUser}')
credential = akamai_functions.find_credential(authorizedUser, '/home/akamai/dev/learnakamai/json/api_clients.json')
if credential is not None:
new_credential = akamai_functions.create_credential(credential)
if new_credential is not None:
credential = new_credential
abort(500, description="cannot create new credential")
abort(500, description="cannot find credential")
email = user['email']
if email != None and pwd != None:
authorizedUser = user['uiUserName']
app.logger.debug(f'credential= {credential}')
response = make_response('<ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Akamai Control Center</a></li><li>email:' +
email+'</li><li>password:'+pwd+'</li></ul><b>-- API credential --</b><br/>client_secret = '+ credential["client_secret"] + '<br/>host = '+ credential["host"] + '<br/>access_token = ' + credential["access_token"] + '</br>client_token = ' + credential["client_token"])
return response
abort(500, description="cannot find an available user")
return user
# this function deletes properties in groups that have not been used for unused_hours-1 #
# this function will be updated to run repeatedly #
def purge_groups():
groups = akamai_functions.get_groups(unused_hours-1)
app.logger.debug('groups= '+str(groups))
messages = []
msg = None
for group in groups:
groupId = group['groupId']
groupName = group['groupName']
properties = akamai_functions.get_properties_by_group(groupId)
# if there is any existing properties in group
if properties['properties']['items']:
msg = 'found properties in group '+groupName
if akamai_functions.delete_properties(properties):
msg = 'deleted existing properties in group '+groupName
abort(500, description="cannot delete properties in group "+groupName)
msg = 'cannot find any property in group '+groupName
if bool(messages):
return messages
abort(500, description="cannot purge groups")
# test creating users
def c():
num = int(request.args.get('num'))
if num == None: num = 1
app.logger.debug('we will create %s user(s)', num)
new_users = akamai_functions.create_users(num)
if new_users != None:
return new_users
return 'cannot create users'
# Check list roles to assign users to right roles
def d():
result = akamai_functions.list_roles()
return result
# Control Center API functions end #
# coder API functions start #
# this function is the target URL of iframe widget
@app.route('/flask/lab', methods=['GET'])
def lab():
# return render_template('image_render.html', image=file)
return render_template('workspace.html')
#@app.route('/flask/lab', methods=['GET'])
#def lab():
# user_id = request.args.get('user_id')
# access_token = request.args.get('access_token')
# html_body = '<a href="/flask/init?user_id=' + user_id + \
# '&access_token=' + access_token + '">Click To Launch Lab</a>'
# response = make_response(html_body)
# return response
# this function is called by workspace.html javascript
@app.route('/flask/init', methods=['GET'])
def init_workspace():
workspaces = coder_functions.list_workspaces('a')
workspace = coder_functions.search_workspaces(workspaces, unused_hours)
workspace_name = workspace['name']
workspace_status = workspace['latest_build']['status']
code_url = 'https://code--main--' + workspace_name + \
origin_url = 'https://origin--main--' + workspace_name + ''
app.logger.debug('code_url= '+code_url)
app.logger.debug('origin_url= '+origin_url)
# 1st validation.
# if the selected_workspace is not running, we start it.
if workspace_status != 'running':
if coder_functions.start_workspace(workspace_name):
app.logger.debug('started workspace %s', workspace_name)
abort(500, description="cannot start workspace " + workspace_name)
# 2nd validation.
# if the selected_workspace agent is not connected, we wait for it to become connected status
# if we started the selected_workspace above, this takes around 30-40 seconds
if coder_functions.is_agent_connected(workspace_name):
# if validations are successful, we create a session token for end-user to connect to code server and origin server.
# session_token = create_token(workspace_name)
# if session_token != '':
# 3rd validation.
# two apps in the workspace should be ready
if coder_functions.is_app_ready(code_url) and coder_functions.is_app_ready(origin_url): + ': code and origin are ready')
response = make_response('<ul><li>Developer Tools: <a href="'+code_url+'" target="_blank">' + code_url +
'</a></li><li>Test Origin: <a href="'+origin_url+'" target="_blank">'+origin_url+'</a></li></ul>')
# response.set_cookie("coder_session_token", session_token, domain='')
return response
# abort(500, description="cannot create session_token for " + workspace_name)
abort(500, description="cannot connect to the workspace " + workspace_name)
# delete workspaces by status. we can use this to delete all 'failed' workspaces, for example.
# pending, starting, running, stopping, failed, canceling, canceled, deleting, deleted
@app.route('/flask/delete_workspaces_by_status', methods=['GET'])
def delete_workspaces_by_status():
target_status = request.args.get('status')
workspaces = coder_functions.find_by_status(target_status)
if coder_functions.delete_workspaces(workspaces):
return 'deleted all '+target_status+' workspaces'
return 'failed to delete all '+target_status+' workspaces'
# update old workspaces
@app.route('/flask/update_old_workspaces', methods=['GET'])
def update_all():
workspace_age = request.args.get('age')
names = coder_functions.update_old_workspaces(workspace_age)
return names
@app.route('/flask/update_workspace', methods=['GET'])
def test():
workspaces = coder_functions.list_workspaces('a')
workspace = coder_functions.search_workspaces(workspaces, unused_hours)
app.logger.debug('[Before] workspace_name= %s', workspace['name'])
workspace = coder_functions.update_workspace(workspace)
app.logger.debug('[After] workspace_name= %s', workspace['name'])
workspace_name = workspace['name']
workspace_status = workspace['latest_build']['status']
app.logger.debug('workspace_status= %s', workspace_status)
code_url = 'https://code--main--' + workspace_name + \
origin_url = 'https://origin--main--' + workspace_name + ''
app.logger.debug('code_url= '+code_url)
app.logger.debug('origin_url= '+origin_url)
def get_workspace_name(body: dict):
workspace_name = body['latest_build']['workspace_name']
app.logger.debug("workspace_name is "+workspace_name)
return workspace_name
def is_agent_connected(workspace_name):
agent_status = 'unknown'
count = 0
while agent_status != 'connected':
status_url = 'http://coder:7080/api/v2/users/'+user+'/workspace/'+workspace_name
status_response = requests.get(status_url, headers=token_header)
workspace_name + ": is_agent_connected status code: " + str(status_response.status_code))
status_json = status_response.json()
app.logger.debug(workspace_name + ': '+str(status_json))
if len(status_json['latest_build']['resources']) > 1:
for resource in status_json['latest_build']['resources']:
if resource['type'] == 'kubernetes_deployment':
for agent in resource['agents']:
if agent['name'] == 'main':
agent_status = agent['status']
workspace_name + ": agent status: " + agent_status)
if agent_status == 'timeout' or agent_status == 'connected':
count += 1
# will check coder is ready for the new url
app.logger.debug(workspace_name + ": api call count: "+str(count))
return True
# third, check the app running inside the workspace
# there are 2 apps. coder-server and OWASP juice-shop
def is_code_live(workspace_name):
code_url = 'http://coder:7080/@'+user+'/'+workspace_name+'.main/apps/code-server/?folder=/home/coder'
is_ready = False
while True:
response = requests.get(code_url)
s_code = response.status_code
app.logger.debug('%s status code= %s', code_url, s_code)
if s_code == 200:
is_ready = True
return is_ready
@app.route('/flask/upgrade_workspaces', methods=['GET'])
def upgrade_workspaces():
return 'under construction'
def internal_error(e):
return jsonify(error=str(e)), 500
if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=5000, debug=True)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
version: "3.9"
build: ./build
# flask requires SIGINT to stop gracefully
# (default stop signal from Compose is SIGTERM)
stop_signal: SIGINT
- '5000:5000'
- ./build/python:/home/python
# This MUST be stable for our documentation and
# other automations.
@ -21,6 +33,7 @@ services:
# - "998" # docker group on host
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- ./Dev-kubeconfig.yaml:/home/coder/.kube/config
condition: service_healthy