'bool', 'quality' => 'int', 'lazyload' => 'bool', 'lazyload_placeholder' => 'bool', 'network_optimization' => 'bool', 'autoquality' => 'bool', 'img_to_video' => 'bool', 'resize_smart' => 'bool', 'retina_images' => 'bool', 'native_lazyload' => 'bool', 'video_lazyload' => 'bool', 'bg_replacer' => 'bool', 'scale' => 'bool', 'cdn' => 'bool', ]; /** * Holds the status of the auto connect hook. * * @var boolean Whether or not the auto connect action is hooked. */ private static $auto_connect_hooked = false; /** * Default settings schema. * * @var array Settings schema. */ private $default_schema = [ 'api_key' => '', 'service_data' => '', 'cache_buster' => '', 'cache_buster_assets' => '', 'cache_buster_images' => '', 'cdn' => 'disabled', 'admin_bar_item' => 'enabled', 'lazyload' => 'disabled', 'scale' => 'disabled', 'network_optimization' => 'disabled', 'lazyload_placeholder' => 'enabled', 'bg_replacer' => 'enabled', 'video_lazyload' => 'enabled', 'retina_images' => 'disabled', 'limit_dimensions' => 'enabled', 'limit_height' => 1080, 'limit_width' => 1920, 'resize_smart' => 'disabled', 'no_script' => 'disabled', 'filters' => [], 'cloud_sites' => [ 'all' => 'true' ], 'watchers' => '', 'quality' => 'auto', 'wm_id' => - 1, 'wm_opacity' => 1, 'wm_position' => Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST, 'wm_x' => 0, 'wm_y' => 0, 'wm_scale' => 0, 'image_replacer' => 'enabled', 'img_to_video' => 'disabled', 'css_minify' => 'enabled', 'js_minify' => 'disabled', 'report_script' => 'disabled', 'avif' => 'enabled', 'autoquality' => 'enabled', 'native_lazyload' => 'disabled', 'offload_media' => 'disabled', 'cloud_images' => 'enabled', 'strip_metadata' => 'enabled', 'skip_lazyload_images' => 3, 'defined_image_sizes' => [ ], 'banner_frontend' => 'disabled', 'offloading_status' => 'disabled', 'rollback_status' => 'disabled', 'best_format' => 'enabled', 'offload_limit_reached' => 'disabled', 'offload_limit' => 50000, 'placeholder_color' => '', 'show_offload_finish_notice' => '', ]; /** * Option key. * * @var string Option name. */ private $namespace; /** * Holds all options from db. * * @var array All options. */ private $options; /** * Optml_Settings constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->default_schema['cloud_sites'] = $this->get_cloud_sites_whitelist_default(); $this->namespace = OPTML_NAMESPACE . '_settings'; $this->default_schema = apply_filters( 'optml_default_settings', $this->default_schema ); $this->options = wp_parse_args( get_option( $this->namespace, $this->default_schema ), $this->default_schema ); if ( defined( 'OPTIML_ENABLED_MU' ) && defined( 'OPTIML_MU_SITE_ID' ) && $this->to_boolean( constant( 'OPTIML_ENABLED_MU' ) ) && constant( 'OPTIML_MU_SITE_ID' ) ) { switch_to_blog( constant( 'OPTIML_MU_SITE_ID' ) ); $this->options = wp_parse_args( get_option( $this->namespace, $this->default_schema ), $this->default_schema ); restore_current_blog(); } if ( defined( 'OPTIML_USE_ENV' ) && constant( 'OPTIML_USE_ENV' ) && $this->to_boolean( constant( 'OPTIML_USE_ENV' ) ) ) { if ( defined( 'OPTIML_API_KEY' ) && constant( 'OPTIML_API_KEY' ) !== '' ) { if ( ! $this->is_connected() && ! self::$auto_connect_hooked ) { self::$auto_connect_hooked = true; add_action( 'plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'auto_connect' ] ); } } foreach ( self::$whitelisted_settings as $key => $type ) { $env_key = 'OPTIML_' . strtoupper( $key ); if ( defined( $env_key ) && constant( $env_key ) ) { $value = constant( $env_key ); if ( $type === 'bool' && ( (string) $value === '' || ! in_array( $value, [ 'on', 'off', ], true ) ) ) { continue; } if ( $type === 'int' && ( (string) $value === '' || (int) $value > 100 || (int) $value < 0 ) ) { continue; } $sanitized_value = ( $type === 'bool' ) ? ( $value === 'on' ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' ) : (int) $value; $this->options[ $key ] = $sanitized_value; } } } add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'register_settings' ] ); } /** * Check if the user is connected to Optimole. * * @return bool Connection status. */ public function is_connected() { $service_data = $this->get( 'service_data' ); if ( ! isset( $service_data['cdn_key'] ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $service_data ['cdn_key'] ) || empty( $service_data['cdn_secret'] ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get setting value by key. * * @param string $key Key to search against. * * @return mixed|null Setting value. */ public function get( $key ) { if ( ! $this->is_allowed( $key ) ) { return null; } return isset( $this->options[ $key ] ) ? $this->options[ $key ] : ''; } /** * Check if key is allowed. * * @param string $key Is key allowed or not. * * @return bool Is key allowed or not. */ private function is_allowed( $key ) { return isset( $this->default_schema[ $key ] ); } /** * Auto connect action. */ public function auto_connect() { $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST' ); $request->set_param( 'api_key', constant( 'OPTIML_API_KEY' ) ); Optml_Main::instance()->rest->connect( $request ); remove_action( 'plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'auto_connect' ] ); self::$auto_connect_hooked = false; } /** * Process settings. * * @param array $new_settings List of settings. * * @return array */ public function parse_settings( $new_settings ) { $sanitized = []; foreach ( $new_settings as $key => $value ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'admin_bar_item': case 'lazyload': case 'scale': case 'image_replacer': case 'cdn': case 'network_optimization': case 'lazyload_placeholder': case 'retina_images': case 'limit_dimensions': case 'resize_smart': case 'bg_replacer': case 'video_lazyload': case 'report_script': case 'avif': case 'offload_media': case 'cloud_images': case 'autoquality': case 'img_to_video': case 'css_minify': case 'js_minify': case 'native_lazyload': case 'strip_metadata': case 'no_script': case 'banner_frontend': case 'offloading_status': case 'rollback_status': case 'best_format': case 'offload_limit_reached': $sanitized_value = $this->to_map_values( $value, [ 'enabled', 'disabled' ], 'enabled' ); break; case 'offload_limit': $sanitized_value = absint( $value ); break; case 'limit_height': case 'limit_width': $sanitized_value = $this->to_bound_integer( $value, 100, 5000 ); break; case 'quality': $sanitized_value = $this->to_bound_integer( $value, 1, 100 ); break; case 'wm_id': $sanitized_value = intval( $value ); break; case 'show_offload_finish_notice': $sanitized_value = $this->to_map_values( $value, [ 'offload', 'rollback' ], '' ); break; case 'cache_buster_assets': case 'cache_buster_images': case 'cache_buster': $sanitized_value = is_string( $value ) ? sanitize_text_field( $value ) : ''; break; case 'cloud_sites': $current_sites = $this->get( 'cloud_sites' ); $sanitized_value = array_replace_recursive( $current_sites, $value ); if ( isset( $value['all'] ) && $value['all'] === 'true' ) { $sanitized_value = [ 'all' => 'true' ]; } break; case 'defined_image_sizes': $current_sizes = $this->get( 'defined_image_sizes' ); foreach ( $value as $size_name => $size_value ) { if ( $size_value === 'remove' ) { unset( $current_sizes[ $size_name ] ); unset( $value[ $size_name ] ); } } $sanitized_value = array_replace_recursive( $current_sizes, $value ); break; case 'filters': $current_filters = $this->get_filters(); $sanitized_value = array_replace_recursive( $current_filters, $value ); // Remove falsy vars. foreach ( $sanitized_value as $filter_type => $filter_values ) { foreach ( $filter_values as $filter_rule_type => $filter_rules_value ) { $sanitized_value[ $filter_type ][ $filter_rule_type ] = array_filter( $filter_rules_value, function ( $value ) { return ( $value !== 'false' && $value !== false ); } ); } } break; case 'watchers': case 'placeholder_color': $sanitized_value = sanitize_text_field( $value ); break; case 'skip_lazyload_images': $sanitized_value = $this->to_bound_integer( $value, 0, 100 ); break; case 'wm_opacity': case 'wm_scale': case 'wm_x': case 'wm_y': $sanitized_value = floatval( $value ); break; case 'wm_position': $sanitized_value = $this->to_map_values( $value, [ Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_NORTH, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_CENTER, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_EAST, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_WEST, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_SOUTH, Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST, ], Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST ); break; default: $sanitized_value = ''; break; } $sanitized[ $key ] = $sanitized_value; $this->update( $key, $sanitized_value ); } return $sanitized; } /** * Return filter definitions. * * @return mixed|null Filter values. */ public function get_filters() { $filters = $this->get( 'filters' ); if ( ! isset( $filters[ self::FILTER_TYPE_LAZYLOAD ] ) ) { $filters[ self::FILTER_TYPE_LAZYLOAD ] = []; } if ( ! isset( $filters[ self::FILTER_TYPE_OPTIMIZE ] ) ) { $filters[ self::FILTER_TYPE_OPTIMIZE ] = []; } foreach ( $filters as $filter_key => $filter_rules ) { if ( ! isset( $filter_rules[ self::FILTER_EXT ] ) ) { $filters[ $filter_key ][ self::FILTER_EXT ] = []; } if ( ! isset( $filter_rules[ self::FILTER_FILENAME ] ) ) { $filters[ $filter_key ][ self::FILTER_FILENAME ] = []; } if ( ! isset( $filter_rules[ self::FILTER_URL ] ) ) { $filters[ $filter_key ][ self::FILTER_URL ] = []; } if ( ! isset( $filter_rules[ self::FILTER_URL_MATCH ] ) ) { $filters[ $filter_key ][ self::FILTER_URL_MATCH ] = []; } if ( ! isset( $filter_rules[ self::FILTER_CLASS ] ) ) { $filters[ $filter_key ][ self::FILTER_CLASS ] = []; } } return $filters; } /** * Update frontend banner setting from remote. * * @param bool $value Value. * * @return bool */ public function update_frontend_banner_from_remote( $value ) { if ( ! $this->is_main_mu_site() ) { return false; } $opts = $this->options; $opts['banner_frontend'] = $value ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; $update = update_option( $this->namespace, $opts, false ); if ( $update ) { $this->options = $opts; } return $update; } /** * Update settings. * * @param string $key Settings key. * @param mixed $value Settings value. * * @return bool Update result. */ public function update( $key, $value ) { if ( ! $this->is_allowed( $key ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $this->is_main_mu_site() ) { return false; } $opt = $this->options; if ( $key === 'banner_frontend' ) { $api = new Optml_Api(); $service_data = $this->get( 'service_data' ); $application = isset( $service_data['cdn_key'] ) ? $service_data['cdn_key'] : ''; $response = $api->update_extra_visits( $opt['api_key'], $value, $application ); } $opt[ $key ] = $value; $update = update_option( $this->namespace, $opt, false ); if ( $update ) { $this->options = $opt; } if ( apply_filters( 'optml_dont_trigger_settings_updated', false ) === false ) { do_action( 'optml_settings_updated' ); } return $update; } /** * Check that we're on the main OPTML blog. * * @return bool */ private function is_main_mu_site() { // If we try to update from a website which is not the main OPTML blog, bail. if ( defined( 'OPTIML_ENABLED_MU' ) && constant( 'OPTIML_ENABLED_MU' ) && defined( 'OPTIML_MU_SITE_ID' ) && constant( 'OPTIML_MU_SITE_ID' ) && intval( constant( 'OPTIML_MU_SITE_ID' ) ) !== get_current_blog_id() ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Return site settings. * * @return array Site settings. */ public function get_site_settings() { $service_data = $this->get( 'service_data' ); $whitelist = []; if ( isset( $service_data['whitelist'] ) ) { $whitelist = $service_data['whitelist']; } return [ 'quality' => $this->get_quality(), 'admin_bar_item' => $this->get( 'admin_bar_item' ), 'lazyload' => $this->get( 'lazyload' ), 'network_optimization' => $this->get( 'network_optimization' ), 'retina_images' => $this->get( 'retina_images' ), 'limit_dimensions' => $this->get( 'limit_dimensions' ), 'limit_height' => $this->get( 'limit_height' ), 'limit_width' => $this->get( 'limit_width' ), 'lazyload_placeholder' => $this->get( 'lazyload_placeholder' ), 'skip_lazyload_images' => $this->get( 'skip_lazyload_images' ), 'bg_replacer' => $this->get( 'bg_replacer' ), 'video_lazyload' => $this->get( 'video_lazyload' ), 'resize_smart' => $this->get( 'resize_smart' ), 'no_script' => $this->get( 'no_script' ), 'image_replacer' => $this->get( 'image_replacer' ), 'cdn' => $this->get( 'cdn' ), 'filters' => $this->get_filters(), 'cloud_sites' => $this->get( 'cloud_sites' ), 'defined_image_sizes' => $this->get( 'defined_image_sizes' ), 'watchers' => $this->get_watchers(), 'watermark' => $this->get_watermark(), 'img_to_video' => $this->get( 'img_to_video' ), 'scale' => $this->get( 'scale' ), 'css_minify' => $this->get( 'css_minify' ), 'js_minify' => $this->get( 'js_minify' ), 'native_lazyload' => $this->get( 'native_lazyload' ), 'report_script' => $this->get( 'report_script' ), 'avif' => $this->get( 'avif' ), 'autoquality' => $this->get( 'autoquality' ), 'offload_media' => $this->get( 'offload_media' ), 'cloud_images' => $this->get( 'cloud_images' ), 'strip_metadata' => $this->get( 'strip_metadata' ), 'whitelist_domains' => $whitelist, 'banner_frontend' => $this->get( 'banner_frontend' ), 'offloading_status' => $this->get( 'offloading_status' ), 'rollback_status' => $this->get( 'rollback_status' ), 'best_format' => $this->get( 'best_format' ), 'offload_limit_reached' => $this->get( 'offload_limit_reached' ), 'placeholder_color' => $this->get( 'placeholder_color' ), 'show_offload_finish_notice' => $this->get( 'show_offload_finish_notice' ), ]; } /** * Return quality factor. * * @return string Quality factor. */ public function get_quality() { $quality = $this->get( 'quality' ); if ( $this->get( 'autoquality' ) === 'enabled' ) { return 'mauto'; } // Legacy compat. if ( $quality === 'low' ) { return 'high_c'; } if ( $quality === 'medium' ) { return 'medium_c'; } if ( $quality === 'high' ) { return 'low_c'; } return $quality; } /** * Return filter definitions. * * @return mixed|null Filter values. */ public function get_watchers() { return $this->get( 'watchers' ); } /** * Return an watermark array. * * @return array */ public function get_watermark() { return [ 'id' => $this->get( 'wm_id' ), 'opacity' => $this->get( 'wm_opacity' ), 'position' => $this->get( 'wm_position' ), 'x_offset' => $this->get( 'wm_x' ), 'y_offset' => $this->get( 'wm_y' ), 'scale' => $this->get( 'wm_scale' ), ]; } /** * Check if smart cropping is enabled. * * @return bool Is smart cropping enabled. */ public function is_smart_cropping() { return $this->get( 'resize_smart' ) === 'enabled'; } /** * Check if best format is enabled. * * @return bool */ public function is_best_format() { return $this->get( 'best_format' ) === 'enabled'; } /** * Check if offload limit was reached. * * @return bool */ public function is_offload_limit_reached() { return $this->get( 'offload_limit_reached' ) === 'enabled'; } /** * Get numeric quality used by the service. * * @return int Numeric quality. */ public function get_numeric_quality() { $value = $this->get_quality(); return (int) $this->to_accepted_quality( $value ); } /** * Check if replacer is enabled. * * @return bool Replacer enabled */ public function is_enabled() { $status = $this->get( 'image_replacer' ); $service_data = $this->get( 'service_data' ); if ( empty( $service_data ) ) { return false; } if ( isset( $service_data['status'] ) && $service_data['status'] === 'inactive' ) { return false; } return $this->to_boolean( $status ); } /** * Check if lazyload is enabled. * * @return bool Lazyload enabled */ public function use_lazyload() { $status = $this->get( 'lazyload' ); return $this->to_boolean( $status ); } /** * Check if replacer is enabled. * * @return bool Replacer enabled */ public function use_cdn() { $status = $this->get( 'cdn' ); return $this->to_boolean( $status ); } /** * Return cdn url. * * @return string CDN url. */ public function get_cdn_url() { $service_data = $this->get( 'service_data' ); if ( ! isset( $service_data['cdn_key'] ) ) { return ''; } if ( isset( $service_data['is_cname_assigned'] ) && $service_data['is_cname_assigned'] === 'yes' && ! empty( $service_data['domain'] ) ) { return strtolower( $service_data['domain'] ); } if ( defined( 'OPTML_CUSTOM_DOMAIN' ) && constant( 'OPTML_CUSTOM_DOMAIN' ) ) { return parse_url( strtolower( OPTML_CUSTOM_DOMAIN ), PHP_URL_HOST ); } return sprintf( '%s.%s', strtolower( $service_data['cdn_key'] ), Optml_Config::$base_domain ); } /** * Reset options to defaults. * * @return bool Reset action status. */ public function reset() { $reset_schema = $this->default_schema; $reset_schema['filters'] = $this->options['filters']; $update = update_option( $this->namespace, $reset_schema ); if ( $update ) { $this->options = $reset_schema; } return $update; } /** * Get raw settings value. * * @return array */ public function get_raw_settings() { return get_option( $this->namespace, false ); } /** * Get settings for CSAT. * * @return void */ public function register_settings() { register_setting( 'optml_settings', 'optml_csat', [ 'type' => 'string', 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'show_in_rest' => true, 'default' => '{}', ] ); } /** * Clear cache. * * @param string $type Cache type. * * @return string|WP_Error */ public function clear_cache( $type = '' ) { $token = $this->get( 'cache_buster' ); $token_images = $this->get( 'cache_buster_images' ); if ( ! empty( $token_images ) ) { $token = $token_images; } if ( ! empty( $type ) && $type === 'assets' ) { $token = $this->get( 'cache_buster_assets' ); } $request = new Optml_Api(); $data = $request->get_cache_token( $token, $type ); if ( $data === false || is_wp_error( $data ) || empty( $data ) || ! isset( $data['token'] ) ) { $extra = ''; if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) { /** * Error from api. * * @var WP_Error $data Error object. */ $extra = sprintf( __( '. ERROR details: %s', 'optimole-wp' ), $data->get_error_message() ); } return new WP_Error( 'optimole_cache_buster_error', __( 'Can not get new token from Optimole service', 'optimole-wp' ) . $extra ); } if ( ! empty( $type ) && $type === 'assets' ) { set_transient( 'optml_cache_lock_assets', 'yes', 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); $this->update( 'cache_buster_assets', $data['token'] ); } else { set_transient( 'optml_cache_lock', 'yes', 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); $this->update( 'cache_buster_images', $data['token'] ); } return $data['token']; } /** * Utility to check if offload is enabled. * * @return bool */ public function is_offload_enabled() { return $this->get( 'offload_media' ) === 'enabled' || $this->get( 'rollback_status' ) !== 'disabled'; } /** * Get cloud sites whitelist for current domain only. * * @return array */ public function get_cloud_sites_whitelist_default() { $site_url = get_site_url(); $site_url = preg_replace( '/^https?:\/\//', '', $site_url ); $site_url = trim( $site_url, '/' ); return [ 'all' => 'false', $site_url => 'true', ]; } }