* Created on: 04/07/2023 * * @package \Optimole\Inc * @author Optimole */ /** * Class Optml_Dam */ class Optml_Dam { use Optml_Dam_Offload_Utils; use Optml_Normalizer; /** * Hold the settings object. * * @var Optml_Settings Settings object. */ private $settings; /** * The dam endpoint. * * @var string */ private $dam_endpoint = 'https://dashboard.optimole.com/dam'; const OM_DAM_IMPORTED_FLAG = 'om-dam-imported'; const URL_DAM_FLAG = '/dam:1'; const IS_EDIT_FLAG = 'om-dam-edit'; /** * Optml_Dam constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->settings = Optml_Main::instance()->admin->settings; if ( ! $this->settings->is_connected() ) { return; } if ( $this->settings->get( 'cloud_images' ) === 'enabled' ) { add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'add_menu' ] ); add_action( 'print_media_templates', [ $this, 'print_media_template' ] ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_media', [ $this, 'enqueue_media_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_admin_page_scripts' ] ); } if ( defined( 'OPTML_DAM_ENDPOINT' ) ) { $this->dam_endpoint = constant( 'OPTML_DAM_ENDPOINT' ); } add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_src', [ $this, 'alter_attachment_image_src' ], 10, 4 ); add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_metadata', [ $this, 'alter_attachment_metadata' ], 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'image_downsize', [ $this, 'catch_downsize' ], 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wp_prepare_attachment_for_js', [$this, 'alter_attachment_for_js'], 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wp_image_src_get_dimensions', [$this, 'alter_img_tag_w_h'], 10, 4 ); add_filter( 'get_attached_file', [$this, 'alter_attached_file_response'], 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset', [$this, 'disable_dam_images_srcset'], 1, 5 ); add_filter( 'elementor/image_size/get_attachment_image_html', [ $this, 'alter_elementor_image_size', ], 10, 4 ); } /** * Catch image downsize for the DAM imported images. * * @param array $image { * Array of image data. * * @type string $0 Image source URL. * @type int $1 Image width in pixels. * @type int $2 Image height in pixels. * @type bool $3 Whether the image is a resized image. * * @param int $id attachment id. * @param string|int[] $size image size. * * @return array $image. */ public function catch_downsize( $image, $id, $size ) { return $this->alter_attachment_image_src( $image, $id, $size, false ); } /** * Insert attachments. * * @param array $images Images array. * * @return array */ public function insert_attachments( $images ) { $ids = []; $existing = $this->check_existing_attachments( $images ); foreach ( $images as $image ) { if ( ! isset( $image['isEdit'] ) && array_key_exists( $image['meta']['resourceS3'], $existing ) ) { $ids[] = $existing[ $image['meta']['resourceS3'] ]; continue; } $id = $this->insert_attachment( $image ); if ( $id === 0 ) { continue; } $ids[] = $id; } return $ids; } /** * Insert single attachment * * @param array $image Image data. * * @return int */ private function insert_attachment( $image ) { $filename = basename( $image['url'] ); $name = pathinfo( $filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME ); $args = [ 'post_title' => $name, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => $image['meta']['mimeType'], 'guid' => $image['url'], ]; $id = wp_insert_attachment( $args ); if ( $id === 0 ) { return $id; } update_post_meta( $id, self::OM_DAM_IMPORTED_FLAG, $image['meta']['resourceS3'] ); if ( isset( $image['isEdit'] ) ) { update_post_meta( $id, self::IS_EDIT_FLAG, true ); } $metadata = []; $metadata['file'] = '/id:' . $image['meta']['resourceS3'] . '/' . get_home_url() . '/' . $filename; $metadata['mime-type'] = $image['meta']['mimeType']; if ( isset( $image['meta']['filesize'] ) ) { $metadata['filesize'] = $image['meta']['fileSize']; } if ( isset( $image['meta']['originalWidth'] ) && isset( $image['meta']['originalHeight'] ) ) { $metadata['width'] = $image['meta']['originalWidth']; $metadata['height'] = $image['meta']['originalHeight']; } wp_update_attachment_metadata( $id, $metadata ); return $id; } /** * Alter attachment image src for DAM imported images. * * @param array|false $image { * Array of image data. * * @type string $0 Image source URL. * @type int $1 Image width in pixels. * @type int $2 Image height in pixels. * @type bool $3 Whether the image is a resized image. * } * * @param int $attachment_id attachment id. * @param string|int[] $size image size. * @param bool $icon Whether the image should be treated as an icon. * * @return array $image. */ public function alter_attachment_image_src( $image, $attachment_id, $size, $icon ) { // Skip if not DAM image. if ( ! $this->is_dam_imported_image( $attachment_id ) ) { return $image; } $image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ); $incoming_size = $this->parse_dimension_from_optimized_url( $image_url ); $width = $incoming_size[0]; $height = $incoming_size[1]; // Skip resize in single attachment view on backend. if ( $this->is_attachment_edit_page( $attachment_id ) ) { return [ $image_url, $width, $height, false, ]; } // Use the original size if the requested size is full. if ( $size === 'full' ) { $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id ); $image_url = $this->replace_dam_url_args( [ 'width' => $metadata['width'], 'height' => $metadata['height'], 'crop' => false, ], $image_url ); return [ $image_url, $metadata['width'], $metadata['height'], false, ]; } $crop = false; // Size can be int [] containing width and height. if ( is_array( $size ) ) { $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; $crop = true; } else { $sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); if ( ! isset( $sizes[ $size ] ) ) { return [ $image_url, $width, $height, false, ]; } $width = $sizes[ $size ]['width']; $height = $sizes[ $size ]['height']; $crop = (bool) $sizes[ $size ]['crop']; } $image_url = $this->replace_dam_url_args( [ 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'crop' => $crop, ], $image_url ); return [ $image_url, $width, $height, $crop, ]; } /** * Alter the attachment metadata. * * @param array $metadata attachment metadata. * @param int $id attachment ID. * * @return array */ public function alter_attachment_metadata( $metadata, $id ) { if ( ! $this->is_dam_imported_image( $id ) ) { return $metadata; } return $this->get_altered_metadata_for_remote_images( $metadata, $id ); } /** * Check if the images are already imported. * * @param array $images List of images to check. * * @return array List of images that are already imported. */ private function check_existing_attachments( $images ) { $already_imported = $this->get_dam_imported_attachments( $images ); // All DAM imports are already in the DB. if ( count( $already_imported ) === count( $images ) ) { return $already_imported; } // Get the remaining images. $remaining = array_filter( $images, function ( $image ) use ( $already_imported ) { return ! array_key_exists( $image['meta']['resourceS3'], $already_imported ); } ); // Offloaded images. if ( $this->settings->get( 'offload_media' ) === 'enabled' ) { $offloaded = $this->get_offloaded_attachments( $remaining ); $already_imported = array_merge( $already_imported, $offloaded ); } return $already_imported; } /** * Check if the images are already imported. * * @param array $images List of images to check. * * @return array */ private function get_dam_imported_attachments( $images ) { global $wpdb; $s3_ids = []; foreach ( $images as $image ) { $s3_ids[] = esc_sql( strval( $image['meta']['resourceS3'] ) ); } $meta_values_str = "'" . join( "', '", $s3_ids ) . "'"; // Select all the posts that have the flag and are in the list of images. $found_attachments = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- This query cannot use interpolation. "SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = %s AND meta_value IN ( {$meta_values_str} )", self::OM_DAM_IMPORTED_FLAG ) ); if ( empty( $found_attachments ) ) { return []; } $map = []; // Remap this in a key/value array. // Also ensures that if there are multiple attachments with the same S3 ID, we only get the one. // Shouldn't happen, but just in case. foreach ( $found_attachments as $attachment ) { // Skip edits. if ( ! empty( get_post_meta( $attachment->post_id, self::IS_EDIT_FLAG, true ) ) ) { continue; } $map[ $attachment->meta_value ] = (int) $attachment->post_id; } return $map; } /** * Get the offloaded attachments. * * [ S3 ID => Attachment Post ID ] * * @param array $images List of images to check. * * @return array */ private function get_offloaded_attachments( $images ) { global $wpdb; $map = []; foreach ( $images as $image ) { $like = '%id:' . $image['meta']['resourceS3'] . '%'; $found_attachments = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = %s AND meta_value LIKE %s", '_wp_attachment_metadata', $like ) ); if ( empty( $found_attachments ) ) { return []; } $map[ $image['meta']['resourceS3'] ] = (int) $found_attachments[0]->post_id; } return $map; } /** * Adds menu item for DAM. * * @return void */ public function add_menu() { if ( defined( 'OPTIOMLE_HIDE_ADMIN_AREA' ) && OPTIOMLE_HIDE_ADMIN_AREA ) { return; } add_submenu_page( 'optimole', __( 'Cloud Library', 'optimole-wp' ), __( 'Cloud Library', 'optimole-wp' ), 'manage_options', 'optimole-dam', [ $this, 'render_dashboard_page' ] ); } /** * Add media template to be used in the media library. * * @return void */ public function print_media_template() { ?>


settings->get( 'api_key' ); $connected_sites = $this->settings->get( 'cloud_sites' ); if ( empty( $api_key ) ) { return ''; } if ( isset( $connected_sites['all'] ) && $connected_sites['all'] === 'true' ) { $connected_sites = []; } else { foreach ( $connected_sites as $site => $status ) { if ( $status !== 'true' ) { unset( $connected_sites[ $site ] ); } } } $data = [ 'site' => get_site_url(), 'token' => $api_key, 'sites' => array_keys( $connected_sites ), ]; $data = json_encode( $data ); $data = rtrim( base64_encode( $data ), '=' ); return add_query_arg( [ 'data' => $data, ], $this->dam_endpoint ); } /** * Enqueue script for generating cloud media tab. * * @return void */ public function enqueue_media_scripts() { $asset_file = include OPTML_PATH . 'assets/build/media/media-modal.asset.php'; wp_register_script( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-media-modal', OPTML_URL . 'assets/build/media/media-modal.js', $asset_file['dependencies'], $asset_file['version'], true ); wp_localize_script( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-media-modal', 'optmlMediaModal', $this->get_localized_vars() ); wp_enqueue_script( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-media-modal' ); wp_enqueue_style( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-media-modal', OPTML_URL . 'assets/build/media/media-modal.css' ); } /** * Enqueue script for generating admin page. * * @return void */ public function enqueue_admin_page_scripts() { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( $screen->id !== 'optimole_page_optimole-dam' ) { return; } $asset_file = include OPTML_PATH . 'assets/build/media/admin-page.asset.php'; wp_register_script( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-admin-page', OPTML_URL . 'assets/build/media/admin-page.js', $asset_file['dependencies'], $asset_file['version'], true ); wp_localize_script( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-admin-page', 'optmlAdminPage', [ 'siteUrl' => get_site_url(), ] ); wp_enqueue_script( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-admin-page' ); wp_enqueue_style( OPTML_NAMESPACE . '-admin-page', OPTML_URL . 'assets/build/media/admin-page.css' ); } /** * Get localized variables for the media modal. * * @return array */ private function get_localized_vars() { $routes = array_keys( Optml_Rest::$rest_routes['dam_routes'] ); foreach ( $routes as $route ) { $routes[ $route ] = OPTML_NAMESPACE . '/v1/' . $route; } return [ 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ), 'routes' => $routes, ]; } /** * Alter the image size for the image widget. * * @param string $html the attachment image HTML string. * @param array $settings Control settings. * @param string $image_size_key Optional. Settings key for image size. * Default is `image`. * @param string $image_key Optional. Settings key for image. Default * is null. If not defined uses image size key * as the image key. * * @return string */ public function alter_elementor_image_size( $html, $settings, $image_size_key, $image_key ) { if ( ! isset( $settings['image'] ) ) { return $html; } $image = $settings['image']; if ( ! isset( $image['id'] ) ) { return $html; } if ( ! $this->is_dam_imported_image( $image['id'] ) ) { return $html; } if ( ! isset( $settings['image_size'] ) ) { return $html; } if ( $settings['image_size'] === 'custom' ) { if ( ! isset( $settings['image_custom_dimension'] ) ) { return $html; } $custom_dimensions = $settings['image_custom_dimension']; if ( ! isset( $custom_dimensions['width'] ) || ! isset( $custom_dimensions['height'] ) ) { return $html; } return $this->replace_dam_url_args( $custom_dimensions, $html ); } $all_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); if ( ! isset( $all_sizes[ $settings['image_size'] ] ) ) { return $html; } return $this->replace_dam_url_args( $all_sizes[ $settings['image_size'] ], $html ); } /** * Needed as some blocks might use the image sizes. * * @param array $response Array of prepared attachment data. @see wp_prepare_attachment_for_js(). * @param WP_Post $attachment Attachment object. * @param array|false $meta Array of attachment meta data, or false if there is none. * * @return array */ public function alter_attachment_for_js( $response, $attachment, $meta ) { if ( ! $this->is_dam_imported_image( $attachment->ID ) ) { return $response; } $sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); foreach ( $sizes as $size => $args ) { if ( isset( $response['sizes'][ $size ] ) ) { continue; } $args = [ 'height' => $args['height'], 'width' => $args['width'], 'crop' => true, ]; $response['sizes'][ $size ] = array_merge( $args, [ 'url' => $this->replace_dam_url_args( $args, $response['url'] ), 'orientation' => ( $args['height'] > $args['width'] ) ? 'portrait' : 'landscape', ] ); } $url_args = [ 'height' => $response['height'], 'width' => $response['width'], 'crop' => false, ]; $response['url'] = $this->replace_dam_url_args( $url_args, $response['url'] ); return $response; } /** * We have to short-circuit the logic that adds width and height to the img tag. * It compares the URL basename, and the `file` param for each image. * This happens for any image that gets its size set non-explicitly * e.g. an image block with its size set from the sidebar to `thumbnail`). * * Optimole has a single basename for all image resizes in its URL. * * @param array|false $dimensions Array with first element being the width * and second element being the height, or * false if dimensions could not be determined. * @param string $image_src The image URL (will be Optimole URL). * @param array $image_meta The image metadata. * @param int $attachment_id The image attachment ID. Default 0. */ public function alter_img_tag_w_h( $dimensions, $image_src, $image_meta, $attachment_id ) { if ( ! $this->is_dam_imported_image( $attachment_id ) ) { return $dimensions; } // Get the dimensions from the optimized URL. $incoming_size = $this->parse_dimension_from_optimized_url( $image_src ); $width = $incoming_size[0]; $height = $incoming_size[1]; $sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); // If this is an image size. Return its dimensions. foreach ( $sizes as $size => $args ) { if ( (int) $args['width'] !== (int) $width ) { continue; } if ( (int) $args['height'] !== (int) $height ) { continue; } return [ $args['width'], $args['height'], ]; } // Fall-through with the original dimensions. return $dimensions; } /** * Replace the image size params in DAM URLs inside a string. * * @param array $args The arguments to replace. * - width: The width of the image. * - height: The height of the image. * - crop: Whether to crop the image. * @param string $subject The string to replace the arguments in. * * @return string */ public function replace_dam_url_args( $args, $subject ) { $args = wp_parse_args( $args, [ 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => 'auto', 'crop' => false, 'dam' => true] ); $width = $args['width']; $height = $args['height']; $crop = (bool) $args['crop']; $gravity = Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_CENTER; if ( $this->settings->get( 'resize_smart' ) === 'enabled' ) { $gravity = Optml_Resize::GRAVITY_SMART; } if ( $width === 0 ) { $width = 'auto'; } if ( $height === 0 ) { $height = 'auto'; } // Use the proper replacement for the image size. $replacement = '/w:' . $width . '/h:' . $height; if ( $crop ) { $replacement .= '/g:' . $gravity . '/rt:fill'; } $replacement .= '/q:'; if ( $args['dam'] ) { $replacement = self::URL_DAM_FLAG . $replacement; } return preg_replace( '/\/w:(.*)\/h:(.*)\/q:/', $replacement, $subject ); } /** * Elementor checks if the file exists before requesting a specific image size. * * Needed because otherwise there won't be any width/height on the `img` tags, breaking lazyload. * * Also needed because some * * @param string $file The file path. * @param int $id The attachment ID. * * @return bool|string */ public function alter_attached_file_response( $file, $id ) { if ( ! $this->is_dam_imported_image( $id ) ) { return $file; } $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id ); if ( isset( $metadata['file'] ) ) { $uploads = wp_get_upload_dir(); return $uploads['basedir'] . '/' . $metadata['file']; } return true; } /** * Alter the srcSet for DAM images. * * @param array $sources Initial source array. * @param array $size_array Requested size. * @param string $image_src Image source URL. * @param array $image_meta Image meta data. * @param int $attachment_id Image attachment ID. * * @return array */ public function disable_dam_images_srcset( $sources, $size_array, $image_src, $image_meta, $attachment_id ) { if ( ! $this->is_dam_imported_image( $attachment_id ) ) { return $sources; } return []; } }